hidden europe 5

Under the wires

by hidden europe


Arriving at Lviv airport recently, the hidden europe team was pleasantly surprised to find that trolleybuses are still a regular sight on the streets of the Ukrainian city. This prompted us to track down Europe's longest trolleybus route.

Arriving at Lviv airport recently, the hidden europe team was pleasantly surprised to find that trolleybuses are still a regular sight on the streets of the Ukrainian city. Making our way through the airport's stylish terminal building, which turned out to be unexpectedly redolent of a French château, we landed with our bags on the elegant forecourt to the predictable clamour of taxi drivers anxious to ferry us into town. Eschewing the comforts of a run down Lada, we headed instead for the local bus stop, where a trolleybus was waiting. Fifty kopecks a head - that's about €0.08 - for the half hour journey, with the added benefit en route of rousing entertainment from local inebriates anxious to promulgate their own particular version of Ukrainian history to the captive crush.

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